Blog Archive
I-fratelli bij Storm
The boys from I-fratelli are a tight knit group of creative Chefs . Kai Campbell is one of the leading lights.
festimi video
Here is a video of the boys at storm. Don’t let the title fool you when you taste the food you will understand.
Cafe de pijp
Found this one online a report on Amsterdam’s finest and hippest spots and guess who they turned to for their kitchen magic ?
Festimi bbq
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis feugiat lectus. Nam condimentum tellus sit amet euismod tempor. Vestibulum tincidunt pretium commodo. Nam vehicula quam quis quam accumsan, quis ullamcorper massa dictum. Proin quis bibendum dolor. In nec arcu in velit imperdiet ultricies. Sed nec urna sed lectus suscipit luctus. Maecenas nisl mi, venenatis […]
In Early 2017 K.AI Campbell was invited to shoot the new KFC Advert for both their fold it and their zinger bites. Enjoy.