The boys from I-fratelli are a tight knit group of creative Chefs . Kai Campbell is one of the leading lights.
/ September 1, 2015
Photos Kai Campbell featured in Albert Heijn food magazine .
/ September 1, 2015
Photos A lot of people claim to know the grill but very few are masters that keep them coming back for more. Juicy and flavorful with a that smoky….you know what just try it for your self . Festimi
/ September 1, 2015
Photos Integer nunc velit, dictum nec neque eu, ultrices accumsan lorem. Aliquam tincidunt, nisi quis eleifend cursus, enim turpis facilisis dui, in faucibus risus lorem ac dui. Vivamus mattis nibh ut leo congue, eget convallis urna elementum. Cras vel euismod dui, a fermentum risus. Aenean efficitur eros ipsum, non dapibus mi semper sed. Fusce eget nulla […]
/ September 1, 2015